Mar 12, 2021

Mar 12, 2021

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Prayer has no power in itself. All power comes from God. Prayer simply links us to the One who is all powerful. The more we humble ourselves and call upon God (in the mighty Name of Jesus), the more God is able to work in and through us.

The Board of reSource has made prayer a matter of policy: “The potential of reSource is intimately linked to the extent to which God chooses to act in and through it. Consequently, few things are as vital to the work of reSource as intercessory prayer.” As President Peter Den Haan quotes in his message on the web, “Prayer is the real work of ministry. Service is just gathering the results of prayer.”

We saw this ‘power of prayer’ at work when reSource visited a small country church just outside of Hanoi, Vietnam. More than 30 years ago, after the pastor died, the church would have been shut down by the government had it not been for the spiritual courage and tenacity of the pastor’s widow. She moved onto the church property and for all those years lived and prayed on the church property, gathering each Sunday with one or two others to pray. Today the church, though small, is stable and growing, with her son, who was a high-ranking officer in the Vietnamese Army, now serving as a leader alongside the pastor (a recent grad of Hanoi Bible College).

church leader in village in Vietnam

God calls us to “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…(and to) keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18). We are most grateful for all the supporters, “Prayer Warriors” and Board members who stand with us in prayer!

If you would like to partner with us in praying, please contact us. For more general prayer items from around the globe, check out our Prayer Page.

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