In this season we join with Christians around the world to celebrate Christ’s first coming. God became flesh and shed his blood so we ‘flesh and blood’ folks may share eternally in His resurrection life. “In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,...
Stories About 'Library Development'
Thanksgiving For Libraries That Equip Leaders
Have you ever gone to the library and been thankful to find the book you were looking for – or remember the feeling when you were given a book you’ve have on your ‘must read’ list? Well, thanks to the generosity of a reSource donor, and the cooperation and help...
Two Schools in Cuba
Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean and it has a population of 11.38 million people. Christianity is the predominant religion in Cuba and it is growing rapidly. The rector of a seminary we work with informs us that one of the greatest needs of this...
Inter-Institutional Christian Repository (REPCI)
Our attention over the last few years has been focused on three key areas of work, now called ourPrimary Focus Initiatives. These are the geographical areas of Vietnam and Cuba, as well as themore global commitment to theological libraries worldwide. Upcoming...