Miracle Year COVID-19 has put the Bible colleges and theological schools we are affiliated with in a position where they must rethink how they ‘do business’. Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) in Beirut, Lebanon, is a case in point.CRISIS UPON CRISISAfter...
Stories About 'Building Online Education'
Greetings of Gratitude: Expressions of Thanks From Beneficiaries
One of the joys we are privileged to participate in at reSource is what might be called a double blessing. We receive generous gifts from donors and then we receive greetings of gratitude from the recipients of those gifts. In this long winter season of COVID-19, as...
Equipping Colleges For Online Education
As we informed you in our last Newsletter, the first phase of our Shoulder to Shoulder Strategy is to assist Bible colleges with their online capacity through upgrades to IT, cameras and learning materials on the web. What we are beginning to witness is what we had hoped and prayed for. Colleges that are equipped to educate online are positioned to reach a much larger audience, thereby multiplying their impact. As schools deal with the impact of the corona virus, we are seeing the promises of God being fulfilled, where “the Spirit helps us in our weakness” and “God works for the good of those who love him…” (Romans 8:26 & 28).
Shoulder To Shoulder: Phase 1
The first phase of our Shoulder to Shoulder strategy is to assist seminaries to increase student online capacity through upgrades to IT, cameras, online books and journals. Innovative online theological education will not only help Bible colleges survive but actually enable them to thrive! For colleges that are well equipped to educate online are positioned to reach a much larger audience, thereby multiplying their impact.
Standing Shoulder To Shoulder
upporting our partner Bible colleges during this global emergency is a critical priority for Overseas Council Australia and reSource Leadership International.