Stories From Our Partnerships Around The World
Equipping Colleges For Online Education
As we informed you in our last Newsletter, the first phase of our Shoulder to Shoulder Strategy is to assist Bible colleges with their online capacity through upgrades to IT, cameras and learning materials on the web. What we are beginning to witness is what we had hoped and prayed for. Colleges that are equipped to educate online are positioned to reach a much larger audience, thereby multiplying their impact. As schools deal with the impact of the corona virus, we are seeing the promises of God being fulfilled, where “the Spirit helps us in our weakness” and “God works for the good of those who love him…” (Romans 8:26 & 28).
Shoulder To Shoulder: Phase 1
The first phase of our Shoulder to Shoulder strategy is to assist seminaries to increase student online capacity through upgrades to IT, cameras, online books and journals. Innovative online theological education will not only help Bible colleges survive but actually enable them to thrive! For colleges that are well equipped to educate online are positioned to reach a much larger audience, thereby multiplying their impact.
Standing Shoulder To Shoulder
upporting our partner Bible colleges during this global emergency is a critical priority for Overseas Council Australia and reSource Leadership International.
Pandemic Prayers
In light of the COVID-19, may prayer spread like a pandemic as we lift up each other up to our God. Here are prayer items from a number of partner schools: Hanoi Bible College (HBC), Vietnam Please join us to lift a prayer for HBC faculty, staff and students:...
Equipping Equippers
An important key to helping Bible schools in the Majority World is supporting leadership and faculty with additional training. We equip the equippers by sponsoring both current and future faculty members. Dedicated study time improves their qualifications and capacity...
Remember, Celebrate, Dream | News From Colombia
For 75 years BSC has upheld the vision of preparing Christian pastors and leaders for Colombia, Latin America and the world. Their mission is to prepare highly trained men and women who exercise leadership for service to the evangelical church and the community. Their education is based on Biblical teaching and practice and they insist on Christian formation that focuses on the devotional life of each student.
Their hope is that each student will live a Christian cosmo-vision or worldview
in all of their daily activities.
“Still Amazed” – Heather and Daniel Owens On Returning to Vietnam
“Sometimes we are still amazed at how God has opened the door for us to serve the church in northern Vietnam, even providing a visa for Daniel to teach at Hanoi Bible College. Ten years ago we would not have dared to pray for such a thing. God truly does more than we can ask or imagine.”
Thanksgiving For Libraries That Equip Leaders
Have you ever gone to the library and been thankful to find the book you were looking for – or remember the feeling when you were given a book you’ve have on your ‘must read’ list? Well, thanks to the generosity of a reSource donor, and the cooperation and help...
Is There Hope?
A word from Elie Haddad, PresidentArab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS)A partner school of reSource Leadership International “The conflict in Syria is far from over, and more than half of the country’s population is displaced. No one knows when or how the conflict...