Stories About 'Growing Schools'

CGTS is offering Biblical reflection in Cuba for Cuba

CGTS is offering Biblical reflection in Cuba for Cuba

A few weeks ago, we introduced you to Dr. Mariel Deluca Voth, particularly through her involvement with Global Associates for Transformational Education (GATE). Mariel is also reSource’s primary liaison with Conrad Grebel Theological Seminary (CGTS) in Holguín, Cuba....

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Hanoi Bible College Turns 10!

Hanoi Bible College Turns 10!

We give thanks for the 10-year anniversary of Hanoi Bible College (HBC)! reSource's Hua Soo Kee was able to be present for the recent celebrations, in which Pastor Mac exhorted those present to be strong & courageous, moving boldly into the future, knowing that...

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Tafakari Centre Is Up!

Tafakari Centre Is Up!

Recently, reSource's Nicole Janz visited Tafakari Centre and she shared this update with us: Warm greetings on behalf of the reSource team! I recently visited Tafakari Centre in Nairobi, Kenya and wanted to share with you about the exciting things that are happening...

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A Big Vision For Vietnam

A Big Vision For Vietnam

Before Hanoi Bible College (HBC) opened in 2013, Northern Vietnam did not have an evangelical theological college to train the next generation of Christian leaders—especially after the ravages of numerous wars. HBC started with 25 students. Now, they are looking...

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Christmas Joy

Christmas Joy

In this season we join with Christians around the world to celebrate Christ’s first coming. God became flesh and shed his blood so we ‘flesh and blood’ folks may share eternally in His resurrection life. “In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,...

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Standing Shoulder To Shoulder

Standing Shoulder To Shoulder

upporting our partner Bible colleges during this global emergency is a critical priority for Overseas Council Australia and reSource Leadership International.

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