We give thanks for the 10-year anniversary of Hanoi Bible College (HBC)!

Sep 22, 2023

Sep 22, 2023

Hanoi Bible College Turns 10!

We give thanks for the 10-year anniversary of Hanoi Bible College (HBC)! reSource’s Hua Soo Kee was able to be present for the recent celebrations, in which Pastor Mac exhorted those present to be strong & courageous, moving boldly into the future, knowing that God is with them.

Pastor Mac exhorted those present to be strong & courageous, moving boldly into the future, knowing that God is with them.
Pastor Mac exhorted those present to be strong & courageous, moving boldly into the future, knowing that God is with them.

Pray With Us

HBC hopes to graduate approximately 200 students from the Bachelor of Theology by 2025. Please pray that it will have a bright future of training leaders. Some HBC grads are working in churches that are trying to reach northern Vietnam with the message of Christ. Meanwhile, the Evangelical Church of North Vietnam has over 1,200 churches and meeting points with over 170,000 believers; but only about 500 ordained pastors and evangelists. 

Will you join us in praying for Hanoi Bible College and for Vietnam?

  • For the continued development of a good financial and business plan to take HBC into the future
  • For the new batch of students
  • For institutional health as they navigate staffing changes
  • For someone to fill in for Yen, who will be missed greatly during her maternity leave
  • Thanksgiving that the new campus is almost ready to go. It will be used soon as they start a new semester with 45 new students.
  • Faculty Development
    • For HBC faculty member, Saralen Tran, and her PhD work in Transformational Learning at Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (Philippines). She is finishing her coursework and then taking her Comprehensive Exam in 2024.
    • For the 5 members of the HBC’s Leadership Team doing DMins at Thailand Baptist Theological Seminary
    • Discernment and the leading of God in the finding/nurturing/choosing of those who are well suited for continued study and would be blessed by it.
  • Pray for wisdom for the process of completing the self-study for accreditation with the Asia Theological Association. Pray that this time will also be a valuable learning experience for all involved and a catalyst for growth for the college. It has been helpful so far.
  • Thanksgiving for HBC’s growth from 25 students (2013) to 85 students (2022)
  • For the hope to graduate ~200 Bachelor of Theology students by 2025
reSource's Hua Soo Kee with HBC faculty member, Saralen Tran

reSource’s Hua Soo Kee with HBC faculty member, Saralen Tran

Join us as we pray for our partner schools and programs. We keep a regularly updated list of prayer items on our website: Pray With Us

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