Team Updates And Our Growing Ministry!

Team Updates And Our Growing Ministry!

Warm greetings from the reSource Leadership International team! In this newsletter you’ll find out about reSource’s growing ministry and reSource team changes. GROWING MINISTRY Growing Geographically  We’re delighted to report that our team members work from British...
Christmas Joy

Christmas Joy

In this season we join with Christians around the world to celebrate Christ’s first coming. God became flesh and shed his blood so we ‘flesh and blood’ folks may share eternally in His resurrection life. “In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,...
The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer Prayer has no power in itself. All power comes from God. Prayer simply links us to the One who is all powerful. The more we humble ourselves and call upon God (in the mighty Name of Jesus), the more God is able to work in and through us. The Board...
Investing in Future Christian Leaders

Investing in Future Christian Leaders

Would you partner with us? Preparing a person for ministry is time consuming and involves a comprehensive team of people, beginning with parents in the home. Luke in his Gospel informs us that at the age of twelve Jesus was obedient to his parents and “grew in wisdom...