Landy (Biblical Seminary of Colombia) and his family

Dec 22, 2023

Dec 22, 2023

Sharing Hope Around the World!

In this season of Advent, we—the Church—look toward celebrating our Saviour’s incarnation and we also remember that we still expectantly hope for his promised return. It can seem unthinkable to celebrate hope when all around the world there are ongoing wars and conflicts. It is true that in this time between Jesus’ comings, there is much that is not right! At reSource, we are especially aware of the challenging contexts where our partner schools, sponsored students, and international consultants are serving.  

In Scripture it is clear that alongside lamenting all that is wrong in our world, we are called to praise our compassionate God for rescuing and redeeming all things. We believe that all is being made new! With you—our reSource supporter—and with our international partners, we cling to Christ as the only true source of hope for our world. We remember his coming in Bethlehem, his presence with us now by his Spirit, and his future return to restore all of creation. 

So, what do we do, then, as faithful disciples in the here-and-now? At reSource, we are grateful to partner with God’s people all around the world. Our partners are bringing God’s hope into their communities, into their tragedies and the challenges faced in their contexts.  

Landy, who is a student at Fundación Universitaria Seminario Bíblico de Colombia (Biblical Seminary of Colombia), shared with us:  

“When I accepted the call to shepherd others, I understood that I needed a much deeper formation of the Word. During a discipleship program I was giving to new believers, I understood that[new believers] require responses that are based on the Word and contextualized. I must be well prepared to teach them.” 

In the church where he serves with his wife, also an FUSBC student, he told us that,  

“…there is a group of three young immigrants from Venezuela to whom we preach and show the love of Christ by supporting them with activities that allowed them to acquire clothing and food and to supply many of their needs during the most difficult period of the COVID 19 pandemic. These three young people decided to give their lives to Christ, and today they serve in the congregation.” 

There are so many stories like this one of God working in and through his people to bring hope. We invite you this Christmas to share in this comfort: that the hope of Jesus shines brightly in the darkness, and through His people, God is redeeming the here-and-now.  

Your prayers and gifts are part of many stories of hope around the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your partnership. 

From all of us at reSource, we wish you a hopeful Advent, peaceful Christmas, and a blessed New Year! 


Peter, Nicole, Hua Soo, Marie, and Bill  

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