Jul 23, 2018

Jul 23, 2018

Hanoi Bible College’s First Graduation!

Give thanks with us that on June 8, 2018, Hanoi Bible College held their first graduation ceremony! 23 students received their Bachelor of Theology certificates and will now begin work in the churches of North Vietnam. This was a milestone in the history of the College, which was given official permission to begin on June 9, 2013. With 5 years of training, these servants of Christ will begin to meet the huge need among the 165,000 Evangelical Christians in the North (total population of North Vietnam is 45 million). Of the 1,000 (mostly smaller) churches that meet, about half of them do not have a pastor. As Jesus said: “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Keynote speaker Ashish Chrispal, Overseas Council USA Regional Consultant for Asia.

The Graduating Class of 2018 singing to the congregation.

Pastor Mac, President of HBC, presents a plaque to reSource’s Bill Tuininga, expressing their appreciation.

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