In our Spring Newsletter we prayerfully launched “Sponsor A Future Leader.” The long-term goal is to support 150 students who will be equipped to one day serve the Church in places like Vietnam, Cuba and Lebanon. With gratitude to God we are pleased to announce we have reached our short term goal of 50 students (some of whom are pictured below). “Thank You!” to all who have made this possible! We wanted to introduce you to some of these students!
Students That You Have Sponsored:

Lý A Dua
Lý is studying for a Bachelor of Theology at Hanoi Bible College in Vietnam. Lý is the oldest son in a large family, which lives mainly by farming. He is married with two small children. While studying, Lý serves a church as worship leader, managing audiovisual and visitation. Lý has a passion to see the Vietnamese people return to God and hopes to help grow the church upon graduation.

Ernesto* is a mature student at a seminary in Cuba. He, along with his entire family, is a fairly recent convert to Christ. He is married with three growing children. Along with and as part of his studies he ministers daily to persons with different identities who live in the suburbs. After graduation he hopes to be a missionary with a focus on teaching and counseling.**
**details removed to protect him from identification

Lubov Bobrovskaya
Lubov is studying Women’s Ministry at Odessa Theological Seminary. She and her husband Alexander live in village near Odessa, where they founded a Baptist church 15 years ago. They have four grown children who all have their own families. Lubov carries various leadership roles in the church as well as counselling and visiting the sick. Upon graduation she hopes to begin a ministry for women, particularly unmarried girls and widows.

Juan David Correa
Juan is studying theology at the Biblical Seminary of Columbia in Medillin. He and his wife Stefania, who is also taking some courses at the seminary, have a one year old son and he serves the church in youth ministry. Upon graduation, Juan hopes to serve the church as a pastor as well as to lead regional institutes that focus on training lay leaders.

Samual Olarewuja Oloidi
Samual is studying Christian Leadership at the Ghana Christian University College. He is the eldest of 4 in a family of 6 that struggles financially. He is involved in evangelism and prayer ministry on campus. His time at the college has helped him grow in his knowledge of God and to identify his areas of gifting in evangelism and prophecy, areas which he intends to stay focused in after graduation.

Ammon* is studying for a Bachelor of Theology degree at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Bierut, Lebanon. He is from Egypt, married with 2 children. He finds that each day, staff and faculty members work to transform the lives of students like himself. He wants to return to Egypt to minister and to serve, especially among Egyptian youth and hopes to eventually plant a church.**
**details removed to protect him from identification