Inter-Institutional Christian Repository (REPCI) Team

Jan 1, 2014

Jan 1, 2014

Inter-Institutional Christian Repository (REPCI)

Our attention over the last few years has been focused on three key areas of work, now called our
Primary Focus Initiatives. These are the geographical areas of Vietnam and Cuba, as well as the
more global commitment to theological libraries worldwide. Upcoming newsletters will
frequently feature one of these Initiatives, including the article below on a new library
development initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean.


REPCI is a virtual space to spread the intellectual and original production of Latin American and
Caribbean Christian authors. More and more educational institutions in Latin America (and indeed, around the world) are creating their own repositories for the school’s intellectual production. REPCI is intended to provide a common space for researchers, teachers and students of Latin American and Caribbean theological institutions to share their publications. REPCI will be an open or low-cost tool to access this shared space.

Inter-Institutional Christian Repository (REPCI) Team

FUSBC, Columbia – Astrid Martinez (lead librarian for REPCI project, FUSBC),
Mariel Voth, Melody Mazuk, Elizabeth de Sendek (Rector FUSBC), Luis Eduardo Ramirez, FUSBC,
Josué Fernandez, OC-US, Latin America Regional Director

The specific goals are to:
– Recognize and present the theological work produced in Latin America and the Caribbean.
– Facilitate access to information.
– Accelerate the process of dissemination of the intellectual product.
– Contribute to the quality of education across the continent and the Caribbean.
– Preserve the intellectual property of Christian thought of Latin America and the
– Work collaboratively within a framework of common policies and measures for managing
academic information.
The shared space is intended to:
– Disseminate information from Latin America and the Caribbean towards the rest of the
– Become a trustworthy tool for researchers worldwide to access reliable information.
– Preserve documentation of Latin America and Caribbean Christianity.
The vision is, by 2017, to be recognized as an information resource leader that provides high
value academic content and becomes a benchmark for Christian institutions in Latin America and
the Caribbean towards the rest of the world.
The REPCI project will be coordinated jointly by Mariel Voth, the Latin American Library
Consultant for reSource Leadership International, and by the librarian of the Biblical Seminary
of Colombia (FUSBC) in Medellin, Colombia.

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