Jul 29, 2024

Jul 29, 2024

Introducing Our International Consultant, David Baer

Our International Consultants participate in varied and important work as part of our international team. They are often a direct connection between reSource and our partners working in theological education around the globe. Not only this, they are also working around the globe themselves.

Recently, we introduced Mariel de Luca Voth (Regional Consultant for Latin America and the Caribbean) and some of her work to you. Today, we want to support David Baer who is a Director on our Board as well as our Global Consultant for Theological Education.

David serves as Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages at our partner school, Fundación Universitaria Seminario Bíblico de Colombia (Biblical Seminary of Colombia). He and his wife, Karen, work from dual ministry bases, spending half of each year near Hartford, Connecticut, USA and the other half in Colombia’s beguiling second largest city of Medellín. David and Karen have six adult children and eleven grandchildren.

David was born and raised in a small Pennsylvania German town amid rolling farmland between Appalachian ridges and still feels rooted in that same modestly magnificent valley. Yet the Lord’s calling on his life has taken him far from there in support of majority world theological education, including those who shape it and are formed by it. He served for a dozen years as the president of Overseas Council (USA) and so is no stranger to the Overseas Council Network, of which reSource Leadership International is a key member.


Will you join us in prayer for David and the work he is involved in?

  • Please pray for Biblical Seminary of Colombia’s audacious new Master’s Degree in Biblical Interpretation and a second Master’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry that is awaiting government approval. Both are critical to the development of new generations of emerging Latin American Christian leaders.
  • Please pray for Lebanon’s Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, where David teaches once each year, as they seek a successor to a widely admired retiring president.
  • Please pray for David and Karen as they steward the challenges and opportunities of their dual-location pattern of life and service.
  • Please pray for our International Consultants, David Baer, Mariel de Luca Voth, and Daniel Owens, that they will have good health and energy as they provide support, solutions, care, and educational opportunities to others, working tirelessly to further transformational theological education.

Thank you for praying with us!

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