HBC's new dormitory

Oct 17, 2017

Oct 17, 2017

A New Home for Hanoi Bible College


In our March 2017 Newsletter we presented you with the urgent need of a dormitory to house students at Hanoi Bible College (HBC). We challenged you with a matching grant of $100,000, and you exceeded the challenge! As a result, the leaders of HBC were able to purchase this 5-story house! An important next step for HBC is to plan for a campus, and conversations have already begun.


This home is providing both a better learning environment at the campus (by freeing up more classroom space), and more sanitary and sane living conditions for the 35 new students who were welcomed on August 15/17. (HBC now has a total of 89 students.) We are grateful to God for his provisions, for the privilege of seeing and praying over this house in early September and for the promise that the future holds!

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