We give thanks for the 10-year anniversary of Hanoi Bible College (HBC)!

Sep 10, 2024

Sep 10, 2024

Introducing Viến from Hanoi Bible College

One of the programs that we administer is our student sponsorship program. Student sponsorship connects Canadian Christians with a future Christian leader who is training in an area where financial resources are scarce.  
reSource donors currently support the studies of over 40 future Christian leaders in places like Vietnam, Colombia, Lebanon, and Cuba. While these students are already actively working in ministry and leadership positions, their studies equip and enable them to serve more effectively. They learn how to study and communicate about Scripture, how to serve pastorally, and how to address contextual challenges unique to where they are.  
We’re pleased to introduce you to a student in Hanoi, Vietnam who is currently sponsored by a reSource donor.  

Viến is a theology student sponsored at Hanoi Bible College in Vietnam

Hi! My name is Bàn Thị, Viến.

School: Hanoi Bible College, Hanoi, Vietnam
Age: 21
Anticipated Date of Graduation: June 2027  
Degree: Bachelor of Theology

Tell us about your family:   
My family has 5 people, I have a sister and a brother. I am the eldest child. My parents are Christians and my parents are farmers.
What is your favourite bible verse and why is it your favourite?  
My favourite Bible passage is Matthew 11:28-30. “Come to me, weary and burdened people, and I will give you rest. I am meek and humble, so take my yoke, and learn from me, and your souls will rest.” I like this Bible passage because when I am tired with life I feel like God is comforting me. This Bible passage gives me peace. I can go to God and pray to God about my fatigue, and I believe God is with me everywhere and listen to my prayers and He will strengthen me. God also reminds me in this Bible passage that I can learn from His Word. It is the wisdom that teaches me to understand and follow God’s will even more. It is the word of life.
What subjects have you been studying this semester?  
Spiritual formation  
Old Testament Survey  
Bible study methods (Old Testament)  
Study skills
Please share some prayer points about your life, ministry, or studies:  
Please pray for me to have wisdom, understanding to learn about God’s word and pray for me to be in good health to study, pray for my family to preserve God. I thank you, may God bless you.

reSource partners with local Bible colleges who are training leaders for the Church in the majority world. These colleges equip and train individuals who emerge as resourceful, Christian leaders, trained in and for their own communities. Locally-trained students means that local churches are assured of a steady flow of pastors, evangelists, church planters, and ministry leaders.  

Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Make a donation to reSource Leadership International: resourceleadership.com/donate
  • Email us to begin sponsoring a future Christian leader (about $170/month or $2000/year)
  • Pray for our partner colleges
  • Share this with someone who is interested in the global Church.

Thanks for being with us in this work.  

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