Jan 18, 2020

Jan 18, 2020

Remember, Celebrate, Dream | News From Colombia

In October 2019 the Biblical Seminary of Colombia (BSC) in Medellin, Colombia, celebrated 75 years of service.

They “remembered God’s deeds and faithfulness over three quarters of a century, celebrated the fruit of the Seminary’s long obedience in the same direction and dreamed of the future in light of God’s past faithfulness and of the mission He entrusted them to carry forward.”

For 75 years BSC has upheld the vision of preparing Christian pastors and leaders for Colombia, Latin America and the world. Their mission is to prepare highly trained men and women who exercise leadership for service to the evangelical church and the community. Their education is based on Biblical teaching and practice and they insist on Christian formation that focuses on the devotional life of each student. Their hope is that each student will live a Christian cosmo-vision or worldview
in all of their daily activities.

Ninety percent of BSC graduates are serving as pastors or church leaders (e.g. counsellors, evangelists, church planters, denominational leaders) or as teachers in the Colombian school system, prison ministries, hospital ministry or NGOs (with services to street people or neglected children).

One of those graduates (Dec 2019) is Jennifer Poras, who has been
supported by reSource through a donor. Jennifer writes:

“I am continuing to serve in my church as a teacher at the Bible Institute at the Seminary. I am also preparing for the state exam so I can apply for a teaching position at the public school. I love to teach, and I have found that the classroom is a perfect scenario to talk and model the values of the Kingdom of heaven. I am also seeking out the possibilities for pursuing postgraduate studies. Pray that God will open the way and clearly place His will in my heart so that I can do it with strong convictions.”

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